Join us for a whirlwind trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cidade Maravilhosa! Get 5% off your Holafly E-Sim here: https://bit.ly/DOTSONAMAP with my discount code: DOTSONAMAP
In this video, we go deep into the culture of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We meet its people, visit its beautiful places, and explore local culture. From a football game at the Maracana, to a Carnaval rehearsal by a samba school, to the iconic beaches, to the favelas high above the hills, to the city’s iconic nightlife, we do it all. Here’s where we went:
• Ipanema Beach
• Favela Rocinha with Gui of @rio4fun
• Braseiro de Gavea with @rio4fun
• Salgueiro Samba School
• Pedra Do Sal for Monday night samba
• Maracana stadium for a Flamengo vs. Palmeira game
• Bar do Mineiro in Santa Teresa
• The Dois Irmaos hike
Going to Rio de Janeiro? Book a tour with Rio local Gui of the @rio4fun YouTube channel https://www.instagram.com/rio4fun
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